Monday, January 18, 2016

Day 7, Border

(Friday, the 15th of January, 2016)
I was definitely lying yesterday when I said I got up early, because today, at the dark and gloomy hour of 4:45, we woke up and headed out to a border crossing high in the mountains into Argentina. With a beautiful breakfast of microwaveable hamburgers from a gas station, I was ready to sleep through most of the drive. Although, I do have to say that this crossing was one of the most beautiful I've ever been to, instead of sleeping I spent the better part of two hours taking pictures of the mountains. To get to the crossing you have to climb the side of one of the mountains, (my Gramps drives a Chevrolet Spark by the way) so were riding along in our little car sandwiched between 18 wheelers going through 30 switchbacks and like 6 tunnels to get to the Chilean side of the border crossing. By this point its just a three lane road, one to Argentina, two to Chile, that's how small the border crossing is. We get waved through and continue and on the way to the Argentine side, we see a line of cars 3 km long pretty much parked, people are walking around talking to the other cars, we heard later that the wait to get into Chile if you were at the end of the line was about 8 hours, ouch.

Luckily we didn't have to wait at all on the Argentine side, because we missed the booths on the first pass, yep, they aren't in the middle of the road like a U.S.-Canada border, you have to veer left, through the oncoming lane to some building like 200 meters off to the side of the road. It was quite poorly designed so we just drove on by the first time. We kept going for about 3 minutes, and once we saw no more signs for anything to do with immigration we pulled over at a hotel to ask what was up. Apparently we passed up a few minutes up the road, so we go back spot it and we do an illegal U-turn into the customs area. Canadians have to pay a fee to enter the country, so I'm ready, with Argentine pesos, American dollars whatever they need. Turns out, I was supposed to do it online and pay by credit card, print a receipt and hand it to them. Since I didn't have it, they let me fill out the form online on one of their computers at the back of the building, which was super nice. So with that we were headed off to my uncle's house.

My uncle bought a massive lot 4 hectare lot with five buildings, some pools, two water towers and a radio dish on the lot for about 35'000 USD. It used to be a cannery, but the owner went out of business and the buildings became derelict. The main house is quite beautiful though and my uncle is fixing up the other buildings.

My uncle and his girlfriend had a baby quite recently at this house in Argentina, so even though they are both Canadian the baby boy is Argentinean. We arrived safely and after settled in and met my new baby cousin I went for a nap in one of their hammocks. The recommended that I have a small sleep because we were invited to an Argentinean barbecue dinner later. The thing is it starts late, we left our house at 7:00, the meat started cooking at 8:30 and we finished eating at 11:00. The food was amazing, sadly I forgot my phone and camera, I still snapped a picture of the food on my uncles phone, but I missed a great opportunity. I had a lot of firsts today, first time trying mate (that I can remember), first time trying blood sausage, first time trying something called “sweetbread”, which is the thyroid of a cow. That last one was quite weird in texture, the rest of it though was delicious. We went home and I promptly went into a food coma and slept.

Today's musical feature is another performance by "Pierogi", this time playing "Ma'Land".

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